September 1, 2022

September Release Notes, 2022

Come explore with FarmVille 3 and see what’s in store in this new update!

Food Truck: Coffee shop

Sam comes back with his famous Coffee Truck! Deliver orders to your guests to earn an Asian Palm Civet and their home! Enjoy serving your customers.

Sky Race: Steampunk Expedition

This new sky race season embarks on an innovative steampunk expedition! Complete tasks to win new steampunk-themed skins for buildings on your farm!

Season Pass: Back to School

Ginny’s been preparing for the upcoming school year. She’s working on School Playhouse to display the summer projects the kids have worked! You will be rewarded with Jungle Gym Deco and Farm Hand: Ginny School Skin. 


Fred is excited to go fishing at this brand new spot he’s found. Besides, it’s the perfect time of year when you can see a great variety of fish. Go on this amazing fishing adventure with Fred and share your amazing catch with everyone!

Dive into this season’s coolest events on FarmVille 3. Let us know what you think about the new updates by rating the game on App Store or Google Play.

Have fun and keep farming!